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NuStems Youth Juice

Reading Time: 2:32 min

NuStems should really be called youth juice After 16 weeks on the NuStems, the skin sores that wouldn’t heal for many…

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NuStems and Borates

Reading Time: 4:25 min

Have you ever heard the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Have you ever wondered why an…

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Nanoparticle Gold and Silver

Reading Time: 4:1 min

Gold and silver for better reception How sharp to you feel in your mind? Do you feel foggy, a wee…

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Regenerate with Iodine, Selenium and Magnesium

Reading Time: 5:20 min

Iodine, Selenium & Magnesium With so many published scientific studies confirming the long list of health benefits the elements iodine, selenium and magnesium provide, it’s…

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About Boron

Reading Time: 6:9 min

Boron for stem cell production For optimal human health and fitness, boron is a crucial mineral that has numerous beneficial…

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Boron Published Studies

Reading Time: 44:3 min

Boron is a mineral that should occur naturally in our soil. It is also a mineral that should be part…

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How to test vaginal pH

Reading Time: 2:15 min

Maintaining the health of your vagina is worthy of life itself. Your vagina is sacred – for it is the…

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Do Anywhere Exercises Using a MediBall

Reading Time: 3:16 min

Contained within these fitness articles are do-anywhere exercises using the mediBall that will help condition your body for the agility…

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The Benefits of Linseed

Reading Time: 2:27 min

Linseed’s (flaxseed) contain an enormous amount of essential fatty acids. The rich sources of omega oils that linseed’s are blessed…

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Haze Power Porridge Recipe

Reading Time: 5:55 min

It’s not rocket science to know we need to get air into the lungs to live. Yet why does an…

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