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About Boron

Reading Time: 6:9 min

Boron for stem cell production For optimal human health and fitness, boron is a crucial mineral that has numerous beneficial…

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Boron Published Studies

Reading Time: 44:3 min

Boron is a mineral that should occur naturally in our soil. It is also a mineral that should be part…

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Nanoparticle Gold and Silver

Reading Time: 4:1 min

Gold and silver for better reception How sharp to you feel in your mind? Do you feel foggy, a wee…

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Do Anywhere Exercises Using a MediBall

Reading Time: 3:16 min

Contained within these fitness articles are do-anywhere exercises using the mediBall that will help condition your body for the agility…

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Losing Weight Is The Easy Bit

Reading Time: 5:10 min

“Losing weight is the easy bit”, i said.  Well you could imagine the response i received from a group of…

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Tips To Vitalise Your Legs

Reading Time: 4:58 min

Healing-the-Self techniques are so little known or taught within our society it’s indicative of where the human family’s spiritual compass…

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What Are The Lungs?

Reading Time: 1:47 min

Located within your chest cavity, the lungs are paired organs in the chest that perform a blood oxygenation process called…

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Purse Your Lips to a Flatter Tummy

Reading Time: 3:38 min

As most of us who search the web have found, there is a lot of information out there that really…

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Healing the Knee

Reading Time: 1:48 min

Heal & Restore Knee Mobility With Pat Cash One of the most common injuries many of us experience at some…

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