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Customer Service

Customer Service

Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd is committed to providing the highest levels of customer service. Based on experience, it seem to be true that any business, anywhere in the world, with a rapidly expanding customer base will at some point deal with a customer (or two) who feel they are not getting a satisfactory response to a question they have asked, or believe a product doesn’t do what they thought it would. In order to assist our customers, and to ensure that our customers always receive the highest level of customer service, we have created this policy which outlines what a customer should expect from Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd, and what Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd expects from its customers.

1. Definitions

1.1. “Customer” means the person or entity who ordered our products or services. 1.2. “Customer Service” means the relationship between Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd staff and the Customer, with the purpose of assisting the Customer with a question they have asked. 1.3. “Service”, “Service(s)” or “Services” means any product(s) or service(s) the Customer has purchased or signed up to use. These product(s) and service(s) are identified in full within the “sign up” and “service provision” emails Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd has sent after your purchase or request for service.

2. Acceptance

2.1. The Customer signified acceptance of this Customer Service Policy, as well as our Terms and Conditions, Shipping and Returns and Your Privacy when they submitted their order to Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd for Services, and that order was accepted.

3. Appropriate Channels for Receiving Customer Service

3.1. Sending an email to the appropriate department (if applicable) using the details made on your web order and or the details made available on the Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd website at https://staging.vitalityplus.au/contact.asp 3.2. If eligible, by phoning 1800 704 311 or (07) 555 914 83. 3.3. Customers who do not use the methods 3.1 through 3.2. to contact Customer Service are not covered by this policy and do so at their own demise.

4. Customer Conduct

4.1. The Customer agrees to conduct themselves in an appropriate and professional manor when seeking Customer Service from Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd. 4.2. Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd staff will not respond to requests for Customer Service if the Customer: a. Has used offensive or obscene language; b. HAS USED EXCESSIVE CAPITALISATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SHOUTING; c. Has made threats of violence, legal action or referral to an external party (eg. Department of Fair Trading) without having discussed their issue with a member of the Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd staff. d. Has posted the issue or question on a public medium, such as forums or blogs, before it has been either raised with or answered by Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd staff within an appropriate timeframe (refer to Section 6), or before the escalation process (refer to Section 5) has been completed.

5. Escalation Process

5.1. Customers who are not satisfied with the Customer Service they have received from Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd should ask for their email or telephone call to be reviewed by the Customer Service Manager with the following information:. a. A detailed explanation of the question or issue, with references to any prior emails or telephone calls; b. A detailed explanation of the outcome that would resolve the issue; c. Any other information or details that will help Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd to resolve the issue. 5.2. If the Customer is still not satisfied with the outcome, or it has not been answered within the appropriate timeframe (refer to Section 6), the Customer should seek advice from external sources such as the Department of Fair Trading or Consumer Affairs in their state or territory.

6. Appropriate Timeframes

6.1. Emails sent to Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd seeking Customer Service should be answered by Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd staff within two (2) business days. Each time a response is made by the Customer this timeframe will be reset. 6.2. Emails sent to Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd seeking an escalation to a Customer Service matter should be answered by Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd management within three (3) business days. Each time a response is made by the Customer this timeframe will reset. 6.3. Notwithstanding anything else in this agreement, the maximum aggregate liability of Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd, any of its employees, agents or affiliates, under any theory of law shall not exceed a payment in excess of the amount paid by the Customer for the Service in question for the six months prior to the occurrence of the event(s) giving rise to the claim. 7.1. From time to time, Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd staff or management may make the decision to apply a $25.00 Customer Service Goodwill credit to the Customer’s account. 7.2. This credit is not redeemable for cash and can only be used to purchase additional Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd products or services.

8. Non-compliance

8.1. In accordance with Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd Terms and Conditions, any requests for Customer Service made outside of the guidelines set within this policy will not be covered by this policy.

9. Changes

9.1. Vitality Plus Australia Pty Ltd may amend the Customer Service Policy at any time. 9.3. Our Customer Service Policy is made available online for viewing at https://staging.vitalityplus.au/info/customer-service/